
Staying in Wilmington? Try Out These New Boutique Hotels

2020 Travelers should look no further than the Wilmington boutique hotel experience. As of 2020, downtown Wilmington has not one, but two boutique hotels. The beauty of the boutique hotel is it has the amenities and polished feel of a

Fun Fall Family Events in Wilmington, NC

Fun Fall Family Events in Wilmington, NC From outdoor fall festivals, oysters roasts and spooky yoga, here are some events you can finally put on your calendar. In October what Wilmington lacks in apple cider festivals and corn mazes, we

Arth’s ILM Eats: Michael’s on the Waterfront

Luck of the Draw Michael’s on the Waterfront was born under an unlucky star.  The fledgling eatery opened only 12 days before the coronavirus would shutter the restaurant industry for weeks.  But in a crisis there is opportunity, and Michael’s